

Mutual Aid and Outreach*1

Anyone with direct action skills stands to gain from sharing them with others. This is the opposite of "converting" people: it means empowering people to be themselves, not attempting to turn them into copies of oneself. The more capable each individual and group is, the more all can offer each other, and the more all are able to enforce their equality. The dissemination of direct action skills fosters relationships of coexistence and mutual aid, as well as undermining hierarchy and oppression: when people are similarly informed, equipped, and versed in taking initiative, they have more at stake in learning to get along, and freedom and equality necessarily proceed.


Accordingly, anarchists and other partisans of direct action do not give orders or offer leadership: direct action is an adjective followed by a noun, not a verb followed by an object! Instead, they demonstrate options by acting autonomously, being careful to extend to others whatever knowledge and resources experience provides-this book being a case in point.


Many who set out to educate others about injustice make the mistake of providing them with a great deal of data without offering any ideas about what to do. Overwhelmed with facts, figures, and bad news, most people find it harder to take action, not easier; thus, such attempts to raise awareness for the sake of provoking change often sabotage themselves. When informing people, it is wise to apply this rule of thumb: for every issue you introduce, spend as much time and energy presenting skills, suggestions, and opportunities for action as you do presenting information and background. A similar rule of thumb is that the more comparable a person's circumstances are to yours, the more he or she might gain from hearing your suggestions and perspectives; the more your life stories diverge, the more you will benefit from listening and learning, rather than prescribing outside the context you know.


It also happens that some who practice direct action, eager to be out from under the yoke of their oppressors, escalate their engagement with these powers to such an extent that no one else can join in. This is often to their misfortune. When considering a tactic, it's important to ask to what degree it enables others to act as well, rather than leaving them immobilized as spectators.


For example, the black bloc at the protests against the World Trade Organization in Seattle in 1999 presented a model that others subsequently employed countless times to great effect, while the tactics of the Weather Underground in the 1970s achieved some impressive feats but failed to result in many people becoming similarly active. In the long run, the most powerful tactics are the ones that inspire and equip others to join the fight. It is important to pace the escalation of a struggle so that new people get involved at a faster rate than participants are immobilized by repression: this is how the momentum that generates revolutions is created. Your enemies on high want nothing more than to isolate you from everyone else who is angry for the same reasons. Make a point of staying accessible and connected to others, so they can come with you if they like when you set out on your journey toa new world.

一例を挙げれば、70年代のWeather Undergroundは見事な成果を上げたが、多くの人々を同様の活動に向かわせることはできなかったのに対して、1999年シアトルでのWTOへの抗議(行動)において、ブラックブロックは後に他の者たちが何度も使うことになる非常に有効な一つのモデルを提示した。長い目で見れば、もっとも強力な戦術とは他人たちを奮い立たせ、戦闘へと備えさせるようなそれである。抑圧によって参加者達たちが活動不能になるよりも早く新たな人々が(当該の闘争へと)参加するためには、闘争の激化を一歩ずつ進めていくことが重要である。これこそが、如何にして革命を生みだす勢いが作りだされるか、なのである。高みに居る敵は、(君と)同じ理由で怒っているその他のすべての人間たちから君を孤立させることを心底望んでいる。君が新しい世界へ旅立つ時に、(彼ら自身が)望めば他人たちがついて来れるよう、必ず(他人たちと)接触を保ち影響を与えやすい状態に踏み止まりたまえ。

Diversity of Tactics


Communities that practice direct action are often plagued by conflicts over which tactics are most effective and appropriate. Such debates are usually impossible to resolve-and that's a good thing. Instead, to the extent it is possible, the activities of those employing. different methods and even those pursuing differing goals should be integrated into a mutually beneficial whole.


Accepting a diversity of tactics provides for the broad diversity of real human beings. Every individual has a different life history, and consequently finds different activities meaningful and liberating. Insisting that everyone should adopt the same approach is arrogant and shortsighted-it presumes that you are entitled to make judgments on others' behalf and also unrealistic: any strategy that demands that everyone think and act the same way is doomed to failure, for human beings are not that simple or submissive. Critics often charge that the tactics they oppose will alienate potential participants, but the more diverse the tactics employed by a movement, the wider the range ofpeople who can recognize among those tactics approaches that appeal to them. It may be necessary for factions applying different tactics to distance themselves from one another in the public eye, but this need not be done in an antagonistic spirit.


A movement that employs a diversity of tactics is able to adapt to changing contexts. Such a movement is a laboratory in which various methods can be tested; the ones that work will be easy to identify, and will naturally become popular. As we haven't yet succeeded in overthrowing capitalism once and for all by any method, all methods are stillworth trying, in case one works. In this sense, those who employ tactics other than theones you favor are doing you a service by saving you the trouble of having to test them for yourself.


Different tactics, applied in conjunction, can complement one another. Just as the more confrontational politics of Malcolm X forced privileged whites to take the non-violent civil disobedience of Martin Luther King, Jr. seriously, a combination oftactics from accessible and participatory to militant and controversial can simultaneously attract attention to a struggle, offer opportunities for people to get involved at their own pace, and provide those who engage in it with leverage on a variety oflevels.


Honoring a diversity of tactics means refraining from attacking those whose chosen approaches seem to you to be ineffective, and instead focusing on what missing elements you can add to make their efforts effective. Thus, it reframes the question of strategy in terms of personal responsibility: at every juncture, the question is not what somebody else should be doing, but what you can do.


The importance of a diversity of tactics doesn't apply only when it is convenient for you. Don't claim to support a diversity of tactics and then argue that-just in this particular case, of course-others should prioritize your agenda over their own. Recognizing the value ofdiversity oftactics means taking into account that others will make different decisions based on their differing perspectives, and respecting this even when their decisions baffle you.


Accepting the legitimacy of a diversity of tactics means moving from a competitive mindset in which there is only one right way of doing things to a more inclusive and nuanced way of thinking. This contests hierarchies of value as well as of power, and undermines rigid abstractions such as "violence" and "morality." Finally, respect for diverse tactics enables disparate groups to build durable solidarity. Such solidarity must be founded on a commitment to coexisting and collaborating in harmony, rather than on limiting demands for unity.

戦術の多様性の妥当性を認めることは、物事を為すただひとつの正しいやり方が存在するといった競争的な思考態度から離れ、より包括的で、微妙な差異を持つ思考方法へと移行することである。これは価値のヒエラルヒーを、権力のそれと同じくらい疑問に付し、「暴力」と「道徳」といった堅固な抽象物を根底から掘り崩す。最後に、多様な戦術を尊重することは 本質的に異なるグループが恒常的な連帯をうち建てることを可能にする。そうした連帯は、団結の要求を制限することにではなく、調和の中で協働し共存することへの参加に基礎を置くべきなのである。

Just as some shortsightedly reject tactics other than their own as ineffective, others feel the need to compete to determine whose tactics are the most committed or the most impressive. But the most dramatic triumphs of militant direct action are only possible thanks to the support of people applying more conventional approaches, and vice versa. It is important that we not see tactics as existing in a hierarchy of value, from risk-free and insignificant to dangerous and glorious , but rather in an ecosystem in which all play an irreplaceable role. As revolutionaries, our role in such an ecosystem is to create a mutually-enhancing harmony between our efforts and those of others, even ifsome of them want to waste time competing with us for the currency of "being right" or "being bravest." No tactic can be effective alone; all can be effective together.



*1:Mutual Aidは相互扶助で訳語があるんだけど、outreachには的確な訳語がなくて分からない。対象となる人間の裾野を広げる活動、てな意味があるらしい。うまい訳語が見つからないので原文のままで。